Wednesday, May 25, 2011

CBCP opens debate to the online mob: launches 'for Life' website

They've now got a website supposedly to continue their "all-out war" against Philippine Reproductive Health. The new Web site of the Catholic Bishops of the Philippines (CBCP) lacks a commenting system for its articles (perhaps fearing the sort of critical debate the Catholic Church have shunned for the last couple of millenia). But it has a Twitter feed ticker and it displays tweets made at @CBCP4LIFE.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Philippine politicians' vote on the RH Bill: Based on popular will, or on personal conviction?

Philippine Senator Juan Miguel Zubiri issued a call yesterday for "another survey" to "gauge the true sentiments of the people" on the proposed Reproductive Health (RH) Bill currently being debated in Congress.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Church will 'never surrender' - Cebu Archbishop Jose Palma

The Philippine Roman Catholic Church will "never surrender" even if President Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino III approves the controversial Reproductive Health (RH) Bill being debated in the Philippine Congress. This is according to Cebu Archbishop Jose Palma.

The Roman Catholic Church of the Philippines is in the middle of an "all-out war" against the RH Bill and some of its officials had recently gone on record to incite acts of civil disobedience and tax boycotts in the event the bill is passed...

Economic growth inadequate to compensate for runaway population growth in the Philippines!

Population Commission acting deputy executive director Rosalindo Marcelino went on record to state a big IF to qualify the notion that robust population growth can "contribute to economic development". According to Marcelino, population growth is a plus "only if your workforce is productive, skilled, educated and competitive."

Pacquiao mother decries gay men use of birth control pills to increase size of 'dede'

Another shot in the foot for the Pacquiao celebrity clan as the Pacquiao motherhood unit "Mommy Dionisia" lets out another bomb of a public statement allegedly containing slurs against the homosexual community. Not only that, she injects a liberal dose of her personal pseudo-science into her pronouncement reportedly made as she dueled with Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago over Philippine Reproductive Health (RH)...

Bishop Oliveros: Filipino Catholics who support Reproductive Health not 'real Catholics'

According to Malolos Bishop Jose Oliveros, Filipinos who consider themselves to be of the Roman Catholic faith can no longer be considered "real Catholics" if they support the passing of the Reproductive Health (RH) Bill currently being debated in Congress...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Low-quality youth: Marauding gangs of 7-12 year-old children terrorize Metro Manila motorists!

One man's liability is another man's asset. An abundance of wayward street children in Metro Manila is turning into a lucrative human resource for crime syndicates it seems. Marauding gangs of children aged 7 to 12 years now terrorise motorists stuck in Manila's renowned traffic jams...

Meeting of the minds: Pacquiao and PNoy agree to disagree on Reproductive Health

President Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino III and Congressman Manny Pacquiao share one thing in common: they are in roles in government that they are barely qualified to fill. Well, that and "an agreement that they are opposed to abortion" made during a meeting between the two men in Malacañang today.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Philippine population growth rate declining but Thailand declining FASTER

Population growth in the Philippines may be declining, but Thailand still beats the Philippines as far as rate of decline is concerned.

Population growth rate
Percentage change of resident population compared to previous year.


Church continues to abuse Catholic 'sacraments' for its clerics' anti-RH agendas

They are Church-led initiatives blatantly billed as "protest" actions against a state matter -- Philippine Reproductive Health -- being debated in the halls of the national legislature. Yet in the same vein, religious and some specifically-Catholic terminology is used to describe the scheduled activities; a "prayer" rally, culminating in a "Mass", to be held in Roman Catholic Church property, the Immaculate Conception Cathedral grounds in Malolos is what the report says...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

'We must learn to produce quality people' - FVR

Former President Fidel V Ramos described arguments fielded by Congressman and boxing champ Manny Pacquiao during his "debate" yesterday with House Minority Leader Edcel Lagman on the Reproductive Health (RH) Bill as "fallacious or very weak". Ramos also provided his elegantly succinct take on the essence of the bill...

Monday, May 2, 2011

Breaking news: Osama Bin Laden killed in a Pakistan ground operation

United States President Barrack Obama went live on TV from the White House this morning and announced that a ground operation conducted last week in the outskirts of Islamabad, Pakistan resulted in the killing of most wanted terrorist leader Osama Bin Laden. Bin Laden was reportedly holed up in a mansion (some reports say a "compound") when a "small team of Americans" conducted the assault acting on information based on US intelligence. They have taken custody of Bin Laden's remains. Contrary to a report coming from Al Jazeera, Bin Laden was not killed by a drone strike.

Development economist William Easterly: 'Holy Grail of prosperity is seven inches of latex: a condom'

A report gave tentative thumbs up to Noynoy Aquino's management of the economy since his ascent to power in May of 2010. The report by Bloomberg News columnist William Pesek sees the Philippines' junk credit rating as potentially unfair considering progress so far made. He cited "7 percent growth, political stability, healthy banks and a narrower budget deficit" as pluses. Pesek also lauded the re-appointment of Amando Tetangco as Central Bank governor.