Friday, May 20, 2011

Church continues to abuse Catholic 'sacraments' for its clerics' anti-RH agendas

They are Church-led initiatives blatantly billed as "protest" actions against a state matter -- Philippine Reproductive Health -- being debated in the halls of the national legislature. Yet in the same vein, religious and some specifically-Catholic terminology is used to describe the scheduled activities; a "prayer" rally, culminating in a "Mass", to be held in Roman Catholic Church property, the Immaculate Conception Cathedral grounds in Malolos is what the report says...
In Bulacan, some 100 parishes and 200 priests are to take part in a prayer rally on June 11 at the Immaculate Conception Cathedral grounds in Malolos. The activity will culminate with a Mass at 6:00 p.m.

That says something about the place in the Philippine Roman Catholic Church that Filipinos who happen to support the Reproductive Health Bill hold. The short of it, thus, is that "pro-RH Bill" Filipinos no longer hold a place in their own Church.

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